20 Sep Getting bee swarms // one step at a time
One of the ways to expand and build our apiary is by saving honeybee swarms.
I am very grateful for the excitement and willingness of my son Ethan to help me with my dream of building a safe haven for bees. Getting bee swarms can be very challenging and would not be possible without his assistance. A few of the locations we have had to remove bees from include:
- Under fake rocks and water features
- Under wendy houses
- Inside wendy house walls
- Inside roofs
- Owl boxes
- Water control boxes
- Flower pots
- Wall vents
- and the list goes on..
In this removal, we had to go up the side of a two-storey building and remove the fabricated siding to expose the channel where the building’s plumbing is housed. The bees made their home right at the top just under the roof. We used the bee vacuum, a crucial piece of equipment in getting bee swarms safely during removal, and cut and passed the comb down in buckets.
The comb is carefully cut and placed into hive frames and then into a brood box which will serve as the bees new home at the apiary, you can see some of this in the episode.
Because of the location of this swarm, right up against the roof tiles, during the removal the bees would hide from us beind the lumber, we had to return a few days later to vacuum the remaining bees that had crawled into the hiding places we were unable to reach during the initial removal.
Please watch the video that documents this removal.
Click here to see the beginning of our beekeeping journey